Presentation of the International Campaign for the UN Youth Employment Decade.
Side Event in the framework of the ECOSOC Youth Forum 2016 – 3rd February 2016 – New York
-Mr. Ruben Urosa, Spanish Youth Institute Director
-Mr. Max Trejo General Secretary of Ibero-American Youth Organization (OIJ)
Ms. Helena Orella , Youth Employment Decade Campaign Coordinator- Vice-Presidency Campaign Committee , Novia Salcedo Foundation
Ms. Ursula Wynhoven, Chief Legal Officer and Chief, Governance and Social Sustainability at UN Global Compact
Ms. Susana Puerto Coordinator of the Youth Employment Network, International Labour Organization (ILO)
Ms. Karen NewMan, Media relations, Sustainable Development Goals Fund Secretariat
This event will be held at the United Nations Global Compact Headquarters, 801 2nd Ave., 2nd floor. NY 10017.
11:00 a.m. 3rd feb. 2016.
If you are interested, please complete the application form.