The gap between young people who study and those who do not is widening
The gap between young people who study and participate in social life and those who do not, and are at risk of exclusion, is widening. …
The gap between young people who study and participate in social life and those who do not, and are at risk of exclusion, is widening. …
Young Spaniards need up to six years to find a permanent job compared to two years required by Danish youths aged 15 to 24 according …
‘The Worlds Largest Lesson’ Introduced by Malala Yousafzai
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, employment and decent work for all Roughly half the world’s population still lives on the equivalent of about US$2 …
Stephen Hawking : ‘To save the world we need everyone to tell everyone’
El 25 de septiembre, 193 líderes mundiales se comprometerán con 17 Objetivos Mundiales para lograr erradicar la pobreza extrema, combatir la desigualdad y la injusticia, …
El extremo galés del Real Madrid Gareth Bale y Usain Bolt son algunos de los deportistas que han participado en este nuevo reto, Dizzy Goals, …
La Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) calcula que para 2019 unos 212 millones de personas carecerán de trabajo y muchas más estarán atrapadas en …
The circumstances among the Indonesian youth, are not very hopeful, currently the youth unemployment rate is 22%, between 15 and 24 year-old. Furthermore, this country …