So that the current situation of helplessness, something that a large important part of the world’s youth are living through, can be solved, its immense complexity must first be understood. For this to happen all of its different problem areas should be analysed in a multi-faceted approach.
We, the analysts, must be provided with those means that allow us to develop our inspiration, and we also need as to have multipositional, precise and fast access to people, societies, to their cultures and their problems.
The myth of Pegasus was conceived in the Hellenic world in an uncertain age, when human were living one of our big cultural migrations, that of transit from myth’s conscience to self-conscience. Those humans gave the winged horse the capacity to bring forth water out of nowhere as source of inspiration and the capacity of transporting heroes at unimaginable speeds, to finally place him in the firmament in such a position, that it was possible for him to see, throughout the year, all places susceptible to permanent human inhabitation with the exception of Antarctica, as all habitable surface in our planet can be seen from Pegasus.
Because of this, Pegasus is the means that will help us and inspire us to find a wise solution that takes the inhabitants of planet Earth to find a permanent solution to the scourge of youth unemployment.
A project of such characteristics requires us to visualise the diverse interactions among the multiple intervening agents throughout the planet and among the humanity the latter sustains, and this requires the capacity to be able to see them and follow them, from close and from a distance, from the South and the North. We want to be placed in a position that let us to be here and there, in the present, past and future. We have already found this vantage point in the firmament: ‘Pegasus’.
Luis Cañada
President of the Novia Salcedo Foundation