Luis Cañada, President of the Novia Salcedo Foundation, Korta Award 2018
On 13 November, the President of the Novia Salcedo Foundation, Luis Cañada, received the Joxe Mari Korta Award 2018 during an event held at the …
On 13 November, the President of the Novia Salcedo Foundation, Luis Cañada, received the Joxe Mari Korta Award 2018 during an event held at the …
Today it’s been held Bilbao Youth Employment Forum (BYEF), an initiative of Novia Salcedo Foundation that promotes the objective 8 of the UNDS 2030 of …
Sabino Arana Fundazioa‘s space hosted a seminar under the title ‘Youth Employment: experiences and future’. Big personalities of different areas of expertise take on the …
Cuatro departamentos del Ejecutivo, Emakunde y la Secretaría de Acción Exterior colaborarán para impulsar acciones que ayuden a promover empleos entre la juventud vasca El …