Young people have up to thirteen times greater chances of getting a temporary job within three months (6.1%) than an indefinite term job (0.4%). This is one of the pieces of information included in September’s issue of the bulletin ‘Avance del Mercado Laboral’ published by the employers’ association of private employment firms, Asempleo, together with International Financial Analysts.
Temporality, the services sector, and young people are closely linked, especially in summer, a season that is about to end with 38,200 more jobs than when it started. The report notes that employment will grow by about 2.9% for the whole of 2016, which would imply more than 500,000 new jobs for the second consecutive year. This good news is based on the expectation that occupation rates will increase by 2.7% during the autumn.
Returning to youth employment, the employers’ association of private employment firms calculates that 16% of young people had a temporary contract before the summer. In addition, the jobs they take are not what they expected, as 60% of those who found a job in the last three years performed basic tasks. Trade and catering, the sectors that concentrate most temporary contracts for young people, require basic or intermediate qualifications. However, they stress that temporary work, while limited, is a way of gaining experience, which is required by many companies together with top qualifications.
On the other hand, the probability that these temporary contracts will become open-ended contracts is lower than in the case of other employees (4.5% versus 6.5% in the second quarter), although Asempleo stresses that these figures have been increasing. Navarre is the autonomous community that offers most temporary and open-ended contracts.