The situation of the new generations that are joining the labour market is alarming. In economically developed countries, youth unemployment rates are on the increase. If we look at the ten countries in the world with highest youth unemployment levels, 7 out of those 10 are in Europe.

We may think that the lack of opportunities for young people is a problem that only affects Europe; this is not the case, it is a situation that affects young people all over the world and that may get worse in the near future unless specific actions area taken at global level to combat youth unemployment rates.

Youth Guarantee is, in this sense, a stimulating effort but, first and foremost, it is a partial remedy that will not fully solve the situation. However, it is a starting point. At least Europe seems to be aware that time is of the essence.

  • Bosnia Herzegovina: 60.5%
  • Greece: 58.4%
  • Spain: 57.3%
  • South Africa: 53.6%
  • Macedonia: 52.2%
  • Croatia: 51.5%
  • Libya: 50.8%
  • Serbia: 48.9%
  • Mauritania: 42%
  • Italy: 39%

Xabier Gómez